Welcome to our farm. Our mission is to provide people with a sustainable product which is a widely recognized food source with medicinal properties.

Michigan Garlic Farm is a family owned farm, specializing in hardneck garlic.   Our garlic is hand planted, hand weeded and hand harvested, so you are assured of getting the finest produce. Thanks to all of our new and repeat customers. We are especially thankful for all your positive comments and interest in our garlic and garlic products that we provide. 

We will once again be selling our garlic scapes and garlic bulbs at several farmers markets and online, starting in June.  Garlic Braids & Bundles will also be available as well as garlic granules and garlic powder (both regular and smoked).

Planting time for hardneck garlic is now during October and into November.  We still have a limited supply of garlic for planting & eating.  Please contact us at 810-923-7604 for availability.

Folks are welcome to come to our farm and pick up garlic products. You can also find our garlic & garlic products at the following locations

Argus Farms (Ann Arbor)
Ruhligs Produce (Dexter)

For more information, click on the "contact us" page.  Please remember to include your phone number and/or email address so we can respond.

CALENDAR MARKETS.  Here's a list of the markets we will be attending this year. Due to inclement weather conditions, this may change, so please feel free to contact us to confirm our market dates.

Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Wednesdays) 
Pittsfield Farmers Market (Thursdays)
Dearborn Farmers & Artisans Market (Fridays)
Brighton Farmers Market & Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market (alternate Saturdays)
Canton Farmers Market & Howell Farmers Market (alternate Sundays)

Special Events we will be attending this year:

Buy Michigan Now Festival (July 31-Aug. 2 downtown Northville).  This 3 day event highlights Michigan-based products &businesses.  

Farmers Market at the Capitol (July 30, Aug. 27 & Sept. 24 (Lansing)
This event held annually on the capitol lawn showcases Michigan food & agricultural products.


We have been invited to do presentations about our farm, growing & harvesting garlic, etc. at the following events this year:

June 11th:  Master Gardener Assoc. of Wayne County (MGAWC) at the University of Michigan, Dearborn.

July 14th:  Master Gardener Society of Oakland County (MGSOC) at Savior Lutheran Church, Bloomfield Hills.

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